if there is a need to change things quickly and with little notice, then it will appear here

Welcome to 2024


SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 11am [doors open from 10.30]

Sunday morning worship services will also take place at 11.00 on Zoom.

Our Thursday Prayer time and Bible study remains on Zoom video conferencing. 

Please email for the access codes.

Please continue to pray for the city region, and for the area of Walton L4.

………..Stay safe

Our Sunday morning service is  available on YouTube : search "spellowlanechurch" and please subscribe. 
We are usually also live on Zoom : please ask for the access codes.

Your input into these "virtual church services" is welcomed, and I encourage you to participate more fully by bringing prayer requests, prayers answered , testimony , Bible studies, simple thoughts-for-today and praise points either face-to-face or by pre-recorded video through the chat boxes.

Our God will continue to bless our times together, as we continue to seek after Him.

Spellow Building

Stay safe, Stephen 

For more details, please email 

click here to email