Our Mission Connections

We have strong contacts with many Missionary Societies around the UK and around the World.
Here are just a few :

WEC International
WEC International is committed to seeing Jesus Christ known, loved and worshipped among tWEC Internationalhe peoples who have yet to hear the gospel.
Most of these 'remaining unreached peoples' are also the world's poorest and sometimes the most marginalized.
WEC's core aim is to redress this imbalance – serving the last, first.

Love Russia
Love Russia was conceived in the early 1990s when Noel Doubleday, working for the International Bible Society, was distributing bibles to Russian orphanages and other institutions.  He realised that many of the children also needed more practical help, and he set about raising funds and distributing them as he saw the need, but always on a personal and direct level to ensure that all the money reached its target.
The vision and particular ethos of Love Russia was born and the charity was formally constituted in 1993. Love Russia
The first work was among orphans and abandoned children in an orphanage near Solotcha, southeast of Moscow.  The work grew steadily and other projects were added.
When Noel retired in 1999 the baton was picked up by Alex Cooke and his wife Jacqui, and Love Russia’s base was moved to the Isle of Wight.  Alex and Jacqui’s experience and skill in setting up and running businesses has been wonderfully used to expand the work so that more than 55 different projects are now under way, helping over 3500 children.  The area in which we work is still to the south and east of Moscow but now covers an area as large as England and Wales.
Work still centres on children in orphanages, schools and baby homes but now has also included such things as work with young people’s prisons and providing help to hospitals.  The ground-breaking Genesis project was started recently to help those leaving institutions at 16 to integrate successfully into society. 

Love Russia is committed to showing the love of God in practical ways to those in need in Russia, particularly to children and young people.  We are always looking for new ways to meet that commitment.  This is only the first chapter in the history of Love Russia.

 UCBProviding God's eternal Word to all the children and youth of the world.


Of special interest may be our friends at Christians Against Poverty addressing the increasing need for help with Christians Against Povertydebt
Christians Against Poverty is a national debt counselling charity working through a network of centres based in local churches. CAP offers hope and a solution to anyone in debt through its unique, in-depth service.