Easter 2023

Good Friday is a time for us to reflect upon the sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary.

It is a day for us to think about the Cross and the Love of Jesus.


We will be meeting at 11.00 on Good Friday morning for about an hour.

We will look at some Scriptures, and we will “re-live” together the last few sombre hours of Jesus’ life, before His death.


Scripture tells us to “remember”, and we will do that as we commemorate Calvary and take Communion together.


Good Friday, marking the death of Jesus, is an important part of Church tradition.

When we have finished our own time of worship we have an invitation to join with some other local Church groups at 12 noon, to sing hymns of remembrance together in the grounds of Walton Church.

We will join with some Anglican Churches and with the Salvation Army, who will once again be accompanying the singing with their silver band.

This is an act of Joint Open Air Witness : a witness to our unity in Christ.

Following this we will be able to take refreshments together.

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